Saturday, December 3, 2016

Make Every Page In EPiServer As Draggable As Single Tile

In one of our EPiServer Project we wanted to make every page as draggable and wanted to make them appear as single tile. Therefore, I came up with approach, In this approach we will make every base page available to implement ISingleTileView interface and we would register one template coordinator for given Interface.


 public interface ISingleTileView
        string Title { get; }
        string TileDescription { get; }
        string ImageUrl { get; }
        string LinkToUrl { get; }

We had 5 different base classes for CMS and ECommerce. All of them are listed below.

  1. SitePageData
  2. SiteBlockData
  3. BaseVariantContent
  4. BaseProductContent
  5. BaseCategory
The Class definitions of above all classes are defined as


 public abstract class SitePageData : PageData, ISingleTileView
        public string Title { get; }
        public string TileDescription { get; }
        public string ImageUrl { get; }
        public string LinkToUrl { get; }


 public abstract  SiteBlockData : BlockData, ISingleTileView
        public string Title { get; }
        public string TileDescription { get; }
        public string ImageUrl { get; }
        public string LinkToUrl { get; }


public class BaseVariantcContent : VariationContent, ISingleTileView
        public string Title { get; }
        public string TileDescription { get; }
        public string ImageUrl { get; }
        public string LinkToUrl { get; }


public class BaseProductContent : ProductContent, ISingleTileView
        public string Title { get; }
        public string TileDescription { get; }
        public string ImageUrl { get; }
        public string LinkToUrl { get; }


   public class BaseCategory : NodeContent, ISingleTileView
        public string Title { get; }
        public string TileDescription { get; }
        public string ImageUrl { get; }
        public string LinkToUrl { get; }

You can populate above properties with what ever other properties.

We have used below CMS properties to return value of ISingleTileView properties

Assigning Value To ISingleTileView Properties

        #region ISingle Tile View

        public string Title
            get { return Heading; }

        public string TileDescription
            get { return Abstract.ToHtmlString(); }

        public string ImageUrl
            get { return this.GetDefaultAsset(AssetMediaNames.THUMBNAIL).GetFriendlyUrl(); }

        public string LinkToUrl
            get { return ContentLink.GetFriendlyUrl(); }



    public class TemplateCoordinator : IViewTemplateModelRegistrator
        public const string BlockFolder = "~/Views/Shared/Blocks/";
        public const string PagePartialsFolder = "~/Views/Shared/PagePartials/";

        public void Register(TemplateModelCollection viewTemplateModelRegistrator)
            // All Pages will be Single Tile View will rendered below Partial view
            viewTemplateModelRegistrator.Add(typeof(ISingleTileView), new TemplateModel()
                Name = "Single Tile View For Any Page",
                Inherit = true,
                Tags = new[] { Constants.TemplateDescriptorTags.SingleTile },
                Path = BlockPath("Single.Tile.cshtml"),
                TemplateTypeCategory = TemplateTypeCategories.MvcPartialView,
                AvailableWithoutTag = true,
                Default = false

        public static string BlockPath(string fileName)
            return string.Format("{0}{1}", BlockFolder, fileName);

        public static string PagePartialPath(string fileName)
            return string.Format("{0}{1}", PagePartialsFolder, fileName);

SingleTile Partial View

In the following path we have our sinlgetileview partial view ~/Shared/Blocks/Single.Tile.cshtml

@using EPiServer.Reference.Commerce.Site.Core.Settings
@using EPiServer.Reference.Commerce.Site.Infrastructure.Extensions
@model EPiServer.Reference.Commerce.Site.Core.ContentTypes.TemplateCoordinatorInterface.ISingleTileView
    <div class="product-item">
<div class="product-item-image" style="background-image: url(@Html.ResizeImageUrl(Model.ImageUrl, preset: AssetMediaNames.ImageResizerPresets.PRODUCT_RANGE_TILE));">
<img alt="@Model.Title" src="@Html.ResizeImageUrl(Model.ImageUrl, preset: AssetMediaNames.ImageResizerPresets.PRODUCT_RANGE_TILE)" />
<a class="btn btn-default" href="@Model.LinkToUrl">More info</a>

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