Tuesday, October 17, 2017

EPiFind AndAny/OrAny Filter Expression Builder

Extending the EPiServer Find Functionality to support OrAny or AndAny Filter Expression

The OrAny and AndAny filter for EPiFind will allow the developer to combine list of contents as And or Or with the other query conditions.

We had custom property Tag and TagList class which we wanted EPiFind to index so we can query the contents based on those filters.

The Tag and TagList class looks like below

Tag Class

    public class Tag
        private string text;
        private string value;
        private string tag;
        private bool isLoaded;

        public string Text
                if (!isLoaded)

                return text;

                text = value;

        public string Value
                if (!isLoaded)

                return value;

                this.value = value;

        public Tag()
        { }

        public Tag(string tag)
            this.tag = tag;

        public Tag(string value, string text)
            isLoaded = true;
            this.value = value;
            this.text = text;

        public string GetId(string type) => Value?.Substring(type.Length);

        public override string ToString()
            return $"{Value}{Constants.Tags.NameDelimiter}{Text}";

        private void Load()
            isLoaded = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag))
                var parts = tag.Split(new[] { Constants.Tags.NameDelimiter }, 2);
                if (parts.Length == 1)
                    text = parts[0];
                    value = string.Empty;
                    value = parts[0];
                    text = parts[1];

        public static Tag Parse(string tag)
            return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag) ? null : new Tag(tag);

TagList Class

    public class TagList : IEnumerable
        private Tag[] tags;
        private string tag;
        private bool isLoaded;

        public TagList() { }

        public TagList(string tag)
            tags = new Tag[0];
            this.tag = tag;

        public TagList(IEnumerable tags)
            isLoaded = true;
            this.tags = tags.ToArray();

        public override string ToString() => string.Join(Constants.Tags.ValueDelimiter.ToString(), this.Select(s => s.ToString()));

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            if (!isLoaded)

            return ((IEnumerable)this.tags).GetEnumerator();

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();

        private void Load()
            isLoaded = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag))
                tags = tag.Split(new char[] { Constants.Tags.ValueDelimiter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => new Tag(s)).ToArray();

We use the Tag and TagList class like below just for reference so you can get a context

[Display(Order = 20, Description = "Start typing the topic name to see suggestions. Allows multiple.")]
public virtual TagList Topics { get; set; }

[Display(Order = 30, Description = "Select competition to filter the contents of this section block")]
[LinkedAutoSelection(typeof(CompetitionTagSelectionQuery), null, null, new[] { "/season/topic", "/round/topic" })]
public virtual Tag Competition { get; set; }

The Problem

We wanted to filter the contents by applying filter on Tag and TagList class. Therefore, we build a filter expression using the below code for different property.

OrTopic Filter Builder

public static ITypeSearch TopicOrFilter(this ITypeSearch typeSearchQuery, IEnumerable values)
          where T : ContentPage
            if (values.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return typeSearchQuery;

            FilterBuilder filterBuilder = new FilterBuilder(typeSearchQuery.Client);

            foreach (var value in values)
                filterBuilder = filterBuilder.Or(t => t.Topic.Match(value));

            return typeSearchQuery.Filter(filterBuilder);

but we wanted this to be generic so we do not have to add separate function for each paramter.

Therefore we added below generic code

The AndAny Function

public static ITypeSearch AndAny(this ITypeSearch typeSearchQuery, IEnumerable values, Expression> filter)
            where T : ContentPage
            if (values.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return typeSearchQuery;

            FilterBuilder filterBuilder = new FilterBuilder(typeSearchQuery.Client);

            /* Expression visitor to modify provided filter to epiFind filter expression */
            var resolver = new ParameterReplacerVisitor, Func>();

            /* Parameter to be replaced with constant */
            var parameter = filter.Parameters[1];
            foreach (var value in values)
                resolver.Source = parameter;
                resolver.Value = value;

                filterBuilder = filterBuilder.Or(resolver.ReplaceValue(filter));

            return typeSearchQuery.Filter(filterBuilder);

The OrAny Function

public static ITypeSearch OrAny(this ITypeSearch typeSearchQuery, IEnumerable values, Expression> filter)
            where T : ContentPage
            if (values.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return typeSearchQuery;

            FilterBuilder filterBuilder = new FilterBuilder(typeSearchQuery.Client);

            /* Expression visitor to modify provided filter to epiFind filter expression */
            var resolver = new ParameterReplacerVisitor, Func>();

            /* Parameter to be replaced with constant */
            var parameter = filter.Parameters[1];
            foreach (var value in values)
                resolver.Source = parameter;
                resolver.Value = value;

                filterBuilder = filterBuilder.Or(resolver.ReplaceValue(filter));

            return typeSearchQuery.OrFilter(filterBuilder);

The Other Problem.

The EPiFind filter exprssion expects fitler expression with one parameter but our expression contains the two parameter. Therefore, we need to resolve parameter expression to align with the functions available for filter builder.

public class ParameterReplacerVisitor : System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor

        public ParameterReplacerVisitor()

        public ParameterExpression Source { get; set; }

        public object Value { get; set; }

        public Expression ReplaceValue(Expression exp)
            var expNew = Visit(exp) as LambdaExpression;
            return Expression.Lambda(expNew.Body, expNew.Parameters);

        /// This functoin will replace the parameter expression with constant values if parameter name and type matches with provided value
        /// for e.g (num1, num2) => num1 + num2 will be replaced (num1) => num1 + 3. if we want to replace num2 with 3.
        protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
            // Replace the source with the target, visit other params as usual.
            if (node.Type == Source.Type && node.Name == Source.Name)
                return Expression.Constant(Value);

            return base.VisitParameter(node);

        /// This functoin will replace the member expression with constant values if parameter name and type matches with provided value
        /// for e.g (num1, classObj) => num1 + classObj.num2 will be replaced (num1) => num1 + 3. if we want to replace classObj.num2 with 3.
        protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression m)
            if (m.Expression != null
                && m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter
                && m.Expression.Type == Source.Type && ((ParameterExpression)m.Expression).Name == Source.Name)
                object newVal;
                if (m.Member is FieldInfo)
                    newVal = ((FieldInfo)m.Member).GetValue(Value);
                else if (m.Member is PropertyInfo)
                    newVal = ((PropertyInfo)m.Member).GetValue(Value, null);
                    newVal = null;
                return Expression.Constant(newVal);

            return base.VisitMember(m);

        /// In this function we are reducing the number of parameters in lambda expression
        /// for e.g as we are replacing parameter with constants therefore, (num1, num2) => will become (num1) =>
        protected override Expression VisitLambda(Expression node)
            var parameters = node.Parameters.Where(p => p.Name != Source.Name || p.Type != Source.Type).ToList();
            return Expression.Lambda(Visit(node.Body), parameters);

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